High Desert Premier Academy

Important Announcements

HDPA Coffee with the Principal .pdf
HDPA 2nd ELAC Flyers.pdf

Emergency Actions


school zone traffic safety english.pdf
school zone traffic safety spanish.pdf

Food Pantry

AVUSD Food Pantry Flyers (updated 8-14-23) (1).pdf
Food Pantry Guidelines.pdf
HDPA 2023-24 Student Interviews 2.mp4
HDPA District Video 12_3_21.mp4

HDPA Graduation 2024

21st Century School for 21st Century Learners! 

AVUSD School Calendar and HDPA Bell Schedule

AVUSD Calendar 2024-25 Spanish.pdf
AVUSD Calendar 2024-25.pdf

HDPA: Alternative Education School of Choice

Address : 21950 Nisqually Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92308

Phone : (760) 240-4252

Fax : (760) 240-1261

Office Hours : 7:00am-3:00pm

Opportunity End time: 1:30pm 

Independent Study End Time: 3:00pm 


High Desert Premier Academy provides a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters the skills necessary for success. Through high expectations in content knowledge, literacy, and social emotional growth; students will be able to positively impact themselves and their community.


High Desert Premier Academy is an alternative school of choice that seeks to prepare students for college or career.

Who We Are

High Desert Premier Academy is an Alternative School of Choice serving grades 7-12. The school is a Support System for families that provides curriculum, teaching strategies, materials, learning communities, learning environments, assessment opportunities and social interactions as they continue to teach their children to adulthood! 

Care Solace Logo

Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24/7 concierge meant to assist individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services.

Visit this link https://www.caresolace.com/site/avusd/ or call (888) 515-0595 to speak to someone on the concierge team.

Family Notification Flyer/Spanish